The Notary is an official professional specialist in law who, in his capacity as legal advisor, interpreter and configurator, oversees advising, informing, and helping citizens in the businesses they wish to carry out.
The State delegates and deposits in the notary the power to authorize, according to the law, the documents involved. He exercises a control of legality and, therefore, deploys all the effectiveness both to prevent lawsuits and to enable the resolution and execution of a judicial process.
With the current banking and legal problems, it is increasingly necessary to go to a trusted Notary who cares about people’s real problems and can advise and inform them of all their rights, while watching over them.

Between 1999 and 2004, Antonio Díez de Blas studied Law at the University of Valladolid, obtaining the qualification of excellent CUM LAUDE and receiving a scholarship from the Ministry of Education during the last year of his degree to carry out research work in the Commercial Law department.
De Blas passed the competitive examinations in 2008 and at the age of 26 he was assigned to Fabero (León province) where he served as a Notary Public until 2011, when he moved to Barcelona. After four years practicing in Dca Notarios, he created his own notary’s office in 2015, placed in #39 Passeig de Gràcia, Barcelona.
In addition to his activity as a Notary Public, Antonio Díez de Blas is still linked to teaching through the Academy for the Preparation of Notary Public Opponents that the Notary School of Catalonia has at the disposal of anyone who wants to prepare these tough competitive examinations.
De Blas also teaches Civil Law at the University of Barcelona under the tutelage of Professor Carlos Villagrasa.


With a clear legal vocation since childhood and coming from a family of Commercial Brokers and Notaries, Pablo Lluna Andreu studied Law at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University as well as at the University of Glasgow. Simultaneously, he completed a Master’s Degree in Business Management and Administration to deepen his commercial and financial knowledge.
Once the opposition to the title of Notary was overcome, he continued collaborating with the Academy of opponents of the Notarial College of Valencia and currently trains future notaries both in the Academy of opponents of the Col.legi de Notaris de Catalunya and in the Matritense Academy of Notarial.
Notary in the city of Barcelona since 2023, he founded Del Clot Notary until his professional union with Mr. Antonio Díez de Blas to give rise to the Blas & Lluna Notary where he currently practices.